
Student Wellbeing

Student wellbeing is foundational to every aspect of a child’s education. It influences everything from their capacity to learn, to their ability to form healthy relationships.

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A nurturing environment for the whole of their school life

We believe that your child should feel safe and connected in their school community, so they can make meaningful relationships and develop their unique personalities.

Student wellbeing means caring for the whole child: their physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual state. We know that if a child isn’t coping with emotions or change in a healthy way, they aren’t getting the most out of their education. Our desire for students is that they have the capacity, skills, strategies and resources to navigate life with resilience and purpose

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A smooth transition into school

Prep students are gradually integrated into the whole school community in age-appropriate ways. Our goal is to familiarise our youngest students with the school facilities and staff for an easy transition to school life. Your child will visit the library, Primary school playground, our on-site café (Bembooka), build connections with older children, and join our Primary school assemblies.

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Nurturing environment with an outward focus

Our overarching philosophy is to encourage kids to try new things. We recognise individual efforts and Christian character in our regular assemblies to encourage a growth mindset in every area of life.

To help build strong, confident and dedicated young people, we explicitly teach organisation, motivation, resilience and service. We run leadership-focused excursions and an outdoor education program that focuses on self-awareness and teamwork that benefits others. Year 6 students experience servant leadership first-hand through our Kinder Buddy program. Students are involved in numerous community service projects like Clean Up Australia, Cancer Council, Red Shield Appeal, 40 Hour Famine and Operation Christmas Child.

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Building genuine relationships

Our wellbeing program includes Vertical Homerooms, where students in Years 7-12 interact daily to establish cohesive connections. Stage 4 and Stage 5 students see first-hand the rigours of Senior study and develop relationships with students outside their immediate cohort. We intentionally develop leadership skills through the Student Leadership Team. The school’s strength program incorporates the Duke of Edinburgh Award, developing student’s leadership skills and resilience.

Take the next step

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Ready to join us at Orange Christian School?

Student Wellbeing, Orange Christian School – Step1

Step 1

Discover if OCS is the right fit for your family

Why OCS?

Student Wellbeing, Orange Christian School – Step2

Step 2

Take a tour of OCS with our Registrar

Book a tour

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Step 3

Submit an enrolment application online

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