
Parent Partnership

Parent Partnership is a core pillar at our school. They form the essential foundation children need to get the most out of their education at Orange Christian School.

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Collaborative relationships between home & school

Parents play a crucial role in their child’s learning. We believe parents know their children deeply, and that parental insight and input is vital for a well-rounded education.  

At OCS, we recognise that parents are a child’s first and most important teacher. We actively establish Parent Partnerships based on mutual collaboration and two-way communication to create a harmonious, consistent learning environment where your child can flourish. Parents can support the school through voluntary participation in excursions and educational assistance, or joining the governing OCS Association.

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No-one knows a child like their parents

We know that when selecting a school for their child, parents need to feel confident in that partnership. We intentionally create partnerships with parents from your child’s earliest days in Prep. Clear, open communication between home and school means we can care for your child in the best possible way. Your child’s teachers will chat with you at drop-off and pick-up, and you’ll get notes and communication through the Schoolstream app. Each child will receive a Portfolio at the end of the year, and parents can see their child’s work at any stage to keep track of their progress.

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Communication to care for your child

We have regular, open communication with Primary School parents so we can work together effectively to help you raise your child. Clear communication between home and school enables us to care for your child in the best possible way. Parent involvement in children’s learning increases a child’s sense of belonging, and improves learning outcomes. At OCS we have many opportunities for parents to be involved.

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Staying connected through the teen years

Clear communication between home and school is vital for anyone raising teenagers. We let parents know what’s happening through Parent Information Nights, Parent Teacher Interviews, written reports each semester and School Stream app. Good communication is always two-way. We value parent feedback and parent involvement in supporting students, particularly in their senior years.

Take the next step

Connecting with parents

Class parents are appointed in every year level up to Year 9 and provide a connection point between your family and the school. Class parents are a friendly and encouraging face for new families and give helpful information and reminders for events throughout the year.

Parents are a vital part of the fabric of our school community, and we invite and welcome your participation and involvement on-site in a range of voluntary roles. Communication and connection are key to maintaining a harmonious learning environment, so we have a range of platforms and opportunities where you can stay in touch with what’s happening at school so your child can flourish. 

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Ready to join us at Orange Christian School?

Parent Partnership, Orange Christian School – Step1

Step 1

Discover if OCS is the right fit for your family

Why OCS?

Parent Partnership, Orange Christian School – Step2

Step 2

Take a tour of OCS with our Registrar

Book a tour

Parent Partnership, Orange Christian School – Step3

Step 3

Submit an enrolment application online

Enrol online